University Heights Fall Newsletter 2015
Dear Friends and Residents,
Hot off the press! You should have all received the University Heights Community Association Newsletter in your mailbox this morning. We are following up with the digital version for further reading on your computer or favourite device.
We have lots of great articles in the newsletter this round. Here are some of the highlights, but you will have to read it to get all the information.
– Presidents Letter
– UHCA Annual General Meeting
– Stadium Shopping Centre Fire
– Nenshi – 3 Things to Do!
– Letter from Ward Sutherland
– University District
– South Shaganappi Study
– and many more…
See PDF for full newsletter here!
Help Fund Businesses Affected By Stadium Shopping Centre Fire
Our community association has set up Go Fund Me pages to help the other businesses affected by the fire:
Billingsgate Fish Market –
Cobs Bakery –
Saigon Star –
Candace Schneider, the manager of the Cat House has started a GoFundMe page to raise funds to rebuild the Cat house. Over $20,000 has been raised in less than 5 days. This will allow the store to open a small, pop-up shop before Christmas while its insurance claim is processed.
The Phui family has set up a GoFundMe page to help with reopening the Hi-Ball Restaurant in a new location.
Thanks for the great newsletter and work during 2015!